
Justice must be seen to be done. It is the constitutional duty of the Crown in Parliament to secure the rule of law with justice in mercy as the people’s birthright.

We seek truth:-
Justice, Liberty and Freedom of Expression
It is our Sovereign birthright under the rule of our laws.

High-level Fraud

Statement by Anthony Stansfeld on the Michelle Young Case

Until May of this year I was the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for the Thames Valley, a role I held for nearly nine years. During my time Thames Valley Police prosecuted, through the Crown Prosecution Service, the Reading HBOS Fraud. This fraud involved nearly £1Bn, though only £245m was used in the court case. The Serious Fraud Office and two other police forces had turned the case down. If TVP had not followed the complaints of a great many victims the crime would have gone unpunished. The defendants receives a combined prison sentences of 48 years. As PCC what became apparent to me was that the Reading HBOS case was part of a far wider ranging system of fraud being perpetrated through 3 major UK banks, and allied accountancy companies and legal practices.

The case of Michelle Young is symptomatic of frauds carried out against private individuals of wealth who seem to be picked for their vulnerability. A disproportionate number are woman. The bankruptcy case against her seems to be totally corrupt. There was no debt, the bankruptcy petition was never registered, the litigants against her did not act in accordance with the Insolvency Rules, forged documentation was used, and lawyers were used who did not have the Right of Audience in the High Court. The considerable wealth owed to Michelle Young and her two daughters disappeared through nominee bank accounts. The trustees of her ex husband appear to have been complicit in both the bankruptcy against her and the disappearance of the assets she and her two daughters were entitled to. The violent death of her ex husband is still unexplained.

Of all the great many cases I have looked at the Michelle Young case stands out as the sums of money involved are so large, and the bankruptcy against her so manifestly engineered to take over the wealth she was entitled to. I find it extraordinary that the London Metropolitan Police have never carried out any proper investigation into the death of her ex husband, or what happened to the considerable assets which he owned. Various Regulatory Authorities should have looked into this case as the sums claimed to have disappeared exceed £4Bn, most has been laundered abroad.

I am prepared to act as a witness in court in the class action on Michelle Young’s case and the seven other cases. I can produce the 26 files that cover these and other cases in which it is clear forged documentation and signatures have been used in courts to bankrupt and steal assets from not only those in the class action, but many hundreds of others.

Anthony Stansfeld.

The constitutional limitations of the Crown assures the rule of our law to be the Birthright of we the people. Justice must be done and must be seen to be done in and only in the ordinary courts by the people’s juries.

Our Parliamentary democracy under the rule of law should be used to secure the liberties of the people and never to become a tool for overzealous or perverted administration.

The Rule of law is encoded in:-

  • The Crown’s:-
  • Coronation Oath, and Accession Declaration Oath
  • All officers whatsoever
  • Their Oaths of duty and allegiance. Constitutionally it secures justice, liberty, redress and remedy

The Declaration and Bill of Rights 1688


The Declaration and the Bill of Rights 1688 gives the people who’s legal system has derived its authority directly from the British Crown,  right to apply the rule of law through our courts and system of justice, in defence of their liberty, nothing withstanding.

The Constitution and the 1688 Declaration and Bill of Rights is the sure foundation of liberty under the law both in England and much of the wider world. The evidence provided within this website is factual and demonstrates why the people have to reform/reclaim the court systems.

It is in the public interest that the evidence within this website is kept complete.

We seek justice, we seek the truth, we expose the criminals and the corrupt. We have the solution to the current rigged system of justice….and the false reporting and narrative of mainstream politics and media.
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We have built a core team with integrity, determination and experience, that are driven to return to the rule of law.


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Accession Declaration Oath

This assure governing in accordance with Declaration and Bill of Rights is constitutional duty and more Her Majesty is bound thus to fulfil its obligations, as are all those who owe allegiance to the Crown.

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