Petition – Family Court Frauds

The UK Courts have shown themselves to be not-fit-for-purpose, time after time, with asset-stripping of wealth and property and breaking-up of families with children being taken from stable environments, often, unlawfully, by the Family Courts and Social Services.

If you are affected by any of the above, please give your full name, name of the judge at the final hearing, the number of the final order and whether it has been sealed by the court, the name of the law firm involved and in no more than 60 words, how you were treated throughout the proceedings.

Michelle Young
Final Hearing.
Judge Justice Philip Moor.
Law firm Vardags.
QC Rex Howling.
Court No FD07D02865.


Even though I won every application in the rigged Family courts the orders were’t enforced. Most of the evidence was ignored it’s racketeering outrageous legal fees they drag it out for years which destroys families across this country. We the people demand the rule of law to be returned to the dysfunctional family courts.

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