Whistle Blowers

“Evil prospers when good men do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

Whistle Blowers

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“Evil prospers when good men do nothing” – Edmund Burke

We are currently facing true evil through the controlled media which is being used to orchestrate the injustice which is being perpetrated against, we, the people. The courts are collapsing under a tidal wave of corruption and this extends to the Insolvency Service which they privatised in order to bring in the New World Order (New World Order website) where it is hidden in plain sight. And this is why they are asset-stripping people of their wealth and assets and controlling the money supply. The Family Courts and Child Protection Services are broken with innocent families being asset-stripped of their children and wealth, meaning they cannot defend themselves as the Family Court system is rigged. If you have information regarding any aspect of the above matters, please contact us, in complete confidence (Non-Disclosure Agreements and Confidentiality Agreements are available on request.) If you are a member of the any of the organisation listed here, please contact us in the box below or click here:-
  1. Judiciary
  2. Court Staff
  3. Legal Professionals
  4. Law Firms (Bar and Solicitors)
  5. Accountancy (Firms, Accountants, Insolvency Practitioners)
  6. Civil Service
  7. Local Government
  8. Houses of Parliament (Members and staff)
  9. SERCO
  10. Banking and Financial Industry (including offshore, DCAs and private enforcement firms and auditors)
  11. HMRC (all jurisdictions)
  12. Medical, nursing and healthcare professionals
  13. Social workers
  14. National Audit Office (NAO)

Where we go one, we go all.

The matters referred to on this website have been checked as their accuracy and are accurate as far as is humanly possible. It is drawn to the attention of visitors to this website that all information is released in the public interest and in the interests of freedom of speech.

Whistle Blowers will be protected with an NDA

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