Round Table on Child Protection Issues of The EU Minors in the UK

Thursday 14th of May 2015 Embassy of Slovak Republic Embassy in London.

25 Kensington Palace Gardens London W8 4QY

Name Capacity Embassy/Institution
H.E. Žantovský Ambassador Czech Republic
H.E. Žantovský Ambassador Slovakia
The Rt. Hon Sir James Munby The President of the Family Division for England and Wales Uk, Court of Appeal; Family Division for England and Wales
The Rt. Hon. Lady Justice Jill Black Head of International Family Justice UK, Court of Appeal
The Hon. Mr Justice Cobb UK, High Court of England and Wales
The Hon. Mr Justice Keehan Uk, High Court of England and Wales
The Hon. Mr Justice Moor Uk, High Court of England and Wales
The Hon. Mr Justice Peter Jackson Uk, High Court of England and Wales
The Hon. Mr Justice Newton Uk, High Court of England and Wales
The Hon. Mrs Justice Theis Uk, High Court of England and Wales
The Hon. Mrs Justice Parker Uk, High Court of England and Wales
The Hone. Mr Justice Holman Uk, High Court of England and Wales
Ms Mairead McGuinness Vice-President European Parliament – Ireland
Ms Julia Pitera Member of the Committee on petitions European Parliament – Poland
Mr Peter Jahr Member of the Committee on Petitions European Parliament – Germany
Ms Mina Petrucci EPP PETI Adviser European Parliament
Mr Robert Bray Head of Unit, Secretariat, Committee on Legal Affairs, DG Internal Policies European Parliament
Ms Angela Wilson Social Work, Service and Policy Manager UK, CFAB
Mr Anthony Douglas Head of CAFCASS UK, CAFCASS
Ms Helene Clift Legal Director UK, ICACU
Ms Samantha Marsh Case Manager UK, ICACU
Imogen Adams-Stiell Senior Case Manager & Joint Head of Unit UK, ICACU
Ms Luise Woodward Team Leader Child Protection UK, Department of Eduction
Ms Hayley Griffiths Children’s Policy Officer UK, Consular Directorate, FCO
Sir Matthew Thorpe Advisor to the Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic UK/Solvakia
Ms Andra Cisárová Director Slovakia, CIPC – Central Authority
Mr Boris Machút Case Manager Slovakia, CIPC – Central Authority
Ms Helena Latáková Case Manger Slovakia, CIPC – Central Authority
Ms Katarína Zavacká Case Manager Slovakia, CIPC – Central Authority
Mr Juraj Pagáč Case Manager Slovakia, CIPC – Central Authority
Mr Juraj Sušienka Case Manager Slovakia, CIPC – CentralAuthority
Igor Pokojny Head of Consular Section Slovakia
Mr Kornél Tóth Representatives Hungary, Central Authority
Ms Cserjés Edina Consul Hungary
Mr Michal Mazurek Consul Poland
Ms Agnieszka Stepniak Senior Consular Officer Poland
Ms Maria Anguelieva-Koleva Head of the Consular Office Bulgaria
Ileana Stănică Labour and Social Affairs Attaché Romania
Ms Penelope Langdon UK, The President’s Office
Ms Elizabeth Stewart Editorial& Programme Director Embassy Magazine/Embassy Events
Mr David Williams Queen’s Counsel
Ms Elen Lewis Director of Legal Services UK, Peterborough
Mr Edward Bennett Barrister & Editor International Family Law UK
Ms Helen Newman Solicitor UK, Pritchard Joyce & Hinds
Ms Marie-Claire Sparrow Barrister UK, EFL Chambers

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