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“This is the Power of Attorney corrupt solicitor Stephen David Jones forged and coerced Michelle Young into signing and which earned him a 12-year prison sentence which he is currently serving.”

Witness Statement

“This is the witness statement of former solicitor Stanley Beller exposing how the third parties stole the Michelle Young estate. Pay particular attention to Paragraph 28.”Regarding Wootton Place, 0X20 IEA.

Freezing Order

“Made in 2007, the parties involved in the theft of the Michelle Young estate, clearly missed the Penal Notice which condemns them to suffer an unlimited fine and/or a prison sentence and/or seizure of their assets if they disobey the order in any way.” Including Wootton Place, 0X20 1EA.

Why The UK Press & Media Have Refused to Publicise the Lloyds Frauds

Michelle Young Fake Orchestrated Bankruptcy

Witness Statement

Root Wellness Store

Referral Name – Michelle Young

The Axiom Litigation Finance Fraud

Grant Thornton – Alleged bankruptcy trustees to the Scot Young estate. Grant Thornton receivers regarding The Axiom Litigation Finance Fraud

Why Police are Not Investigating Bank Frauds

Round Table on Child Protection Issues of The EU Minors in the UK

Thursday 14th of May 2015 Embassy of Slovak Republic Embassy in London

Bullet Points Regarding Financial Fraud Crimes

Letter to Liesl Cook

Defining The Rule of Law

Fundamental Constitution v Arbitrary Power

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