
Please browse our extensive library of documents, video and other evidence demonstrating shocking systemic fraud in our courts, law firms, insolvency service and press.

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Entick -V- Carrington

The case of seizure of papers, being an Action of Trespass by John Entick, clerk, against Nathan Carrington and three other messwengers in ordinary to the King, Court of Commo Pleas, Michaelmus Term: George III A.D 176

Entick V Carrington

Wikipedia Page 

The Michelle Young Family Court Orders

British Empires

Lloyd’s of London Conspiracy

List of Syndicated Judges

Summary of Lloyd's Fraud

September 2019

Lloyd's of London (Royalgate)

An Urgent Appeal

Lloyd's of London (Royalgate)

Updated Urgent Version

Response to the Parliamentary Commission of Banking Standards

Robert David Steele Document

Michelle Young Narrative

FRP Advisory Group Plc

IPO Admission Document

Summary of Actions

Michelle Young’s attempt to elicit information about Scot Young’s bankrupt estate

Letter from Official Receiver

6th August 2020

David Ingram

Email to Michelle Young

David Ingram

Trustee Discharge

Solicitors Regulation Authority Letter

Anthony Stansfeld

HMRC Letter

Letter to Official Receiver

20th November 2020

Zurich Letters 1

Zurich Letters 2

Anthony Stansfeld Statement - Fraud- The Great Insolvency Scam

Ex-Police and Crime Commissioner (PPC) for the Thames Valley Police, statement describing a corrupt system, including courts and lawyers.


Secretary of State Email - Kwasi Karteng


Julian Watts - Ex Partner KPMG

Subject – Bank Forgeries

Despite an Award of £26.6m Michelle Received Nothing

Despite investing millions in legal fees on the merits of the case, Michelle was thwarted by a corrupt system that is dsigned to strip assets from innocent families, often leaving once self-made people penniless. A system created and executed by ‘Old Money’ defraud ‘New Money’.

Bundles of Court Orders

Damian Hinds Minister of Sate for Security & Borders

Root Wellness Store

Referral Name – Michelle Young

Case Study Post Covid-19

Judges of Conflict of Interest

It’s time Judges and Masters were made accountable

HMRC Pensions Scam

Secret rule changes and sanctioned scams

Modern Slavery Act


Land Registry - The Facts

Facebook page exposing irregularities at Land Registry

Forgery and Counterfeiting Act


Broken CPR Rules

How dishonest and disreputable professionals mislead and exploit the procedures to asset stripp from innocent individuals

The Great Insolvency Scam

This is a story of systematic asset stripping by the Rothschild Family and its agents, enabled by agents of the Crown, with a network of complicit judges, barristers, and registrars.

The Great Insolvency Scam

The Sons of Liberty on SoundCloud

Bankruptcy Court Scam

Insolvency Fraud is a crimewhich involves the stealing of assets and funds from individuals and businesses using insolvency law and the judicial system as the means through which to commit the crime

The Sovereignty of Parliament & Absolute Power or The 'Rule of Law'

We The Peoples Constitution

Bards of War interview with Jim Pugh – Troops in D.C are occupying a foreign country

The Great Insolvency Scam - Sacha Stone

The Great Insolvency Scam: The Crown vs The People

Lord Sikka and Athony Stansfeld Quotes

Defining The Rule of Law

Fundamental Constitution v Arbitrary Power

Crown Corporation Page

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